Age 43
I moved to Arizona, to get “clean & sober”. Yes, Hello, I am Rick and I am an alcoholic. And I moved to Arizona to get a “new start” on life and work on getting sober.
I walked away from my business (or what it has been). My children were grown and had already moved out. The business partner quit, and the girl friend had moved out a the prior fall. Heck why now, I was now somewhat free.
So moved I did, to a very nice place in the middle of nowhere Arizona. It was “within” but outside Peoria, in a tack called Vistancia.
And starting working on going to AA meetings, while also trying to deal with all my “inventory” (left over stuff the my personal and business life). At some point, after first filling a friends garage; I started moving stuff in to storage lockers, first, one, then another slightly larger. Then a massive one, at which point the universe conspired against me, and I ended up moving out of my room in Vistancia, and to an apartment in Glendale, AZ.
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